Replica designer sunglasses
Replica designer sunglasses are known in different ways. Some people are looking for sunglasses with the actual brand names on them. Others are looking for a style that compares to the original. In either type these are know as replicas. In the following paragraphs we are going to cover what different types of Replica designer sunglasses there are.
A lot of people are looking for replica designer sunglasses with company names on them, these are also known as fakes. Replica designer sunglasses are very popular and sell very well but there are draw backs to them. One of the most common draw backs are they are low quality and don't offer any UV protection. They can also break very easy or fall apart in a very short period of time.
Replica designer sunglasses that compare to, that are similar in style with no brand name on them are ok to sell. We suggest only selling this type of Replica Sunglass because you are not breaking any copyright laws. Some sunglass companies offer the "Compare to Brand Name" type of sunglasses. We find these types of sunglasses to sell very well. People like the idea of seeing a pair of sunglasses that they can relate to the brand name.
People want a brand name sunglass but don't want to pay the price. Higher end brand name sunglasses sell for around $200 - $400 per pair. Replica designer sunglasses are the perfect alternative to the brand name sunglasses. The prices on most replica designer sunglasses are around $40, so if you end up loosing them or breaking them you are not going to feel so bad. One thing about selling replica designer sunglasses is the profit margin is very good. Most retailers make around $10.00 on each pair sold.
Things to look for in replica designer sunglasses. Quality is very important you don't want to be selling low quality Sunglasses that break very easy or don't offer any UV protection. Look for styles that compare to the originals but don't have brand names on them. A reputable supplier that stands behind there merchandise. A supplier that offers fast shipping, low prices and good customer service. A Sunglass supplier that has had years of experience that can offer ideas on promoting your business.
For More about Replica designer sunglasses Visit here-
By Vivek Sharma
Versace Sunglasses - Useful Information About Versace Sunglasses
By Anton Kal
A name that says luxury and a brand that provides. Versace sunglasses are a part of the Versace Collection and other lines of the Versace Company geared towards a younger age group. An Italian company founded in Milan in 1978, Versace has since expanded into two segments of the market, one high end and the second geared towards the youth market and it includes the Versace Collection, Versace Sport, Versace Jeans Couture and Versus Brands. There are 81 free standing boutiques with these lines around the world and 123 name brand corners in department stores around the world.
Eyeglasses by Versace are mini statements of Gianni Versace's artistic style. Cutting edge, luxurious with bold Mediterranean influences. Many of Versace's designs have been risqué with barely there dresses and see through tops being paraded around on the red carpet by Hollywood elite.
Versace favors sunglasses with a lighter lens, often making use of color gradation to create a lens with darker shade towards the top and lighter shading at the bottom of the lens. This is ideal for conditions when the sun is directly overhead, but also makes a unique marker for the Versace brand.
Most Versace sunglasses come with oversized lenses too. Those that feature a standard lens size curve to fit the face or are set at a jaunty inverted angle. Their half size lenses come attached to bold boxy shaped frames that set one in mind of a high paid movie director on his set or the Italian business man schmoozing in Milan.
Colors in Versace sunglasses are darker or neutral, no bright shades here. Frames are popular in blacks, browns, grays and tans. The statement making model Versace 4103 comes in a range of frame colors all in those shades. One is a daring transparent purple for the adventurous woman with light purple to blue lenses. Purple is still a dark color as is fitting with Versace's style.
Color aside every frame from this sunglasses and fashion designer comes with a Versace symbol on the side of the temples. This consists of usually, the imprint of a Greek key, medusa or either the vertical gold or silver strip or an embossed horizontal name, Versace.
Sunglasses from Versace range in price from $150 to as much as $350 and maybe more depending on where you do you're shopping. You may find Versace in a New York Boutique or in the name brand corner of a major department store.
Though Gianni Versace, died 1997, is no longer around his family is dedicated to running and keeping the ideal alive. The company is currently one hundred percent family owned, with all major shares being split between three members of the family.
Designs are still created for each new season by a series of teams of designers and stylists who are dedicated to a specific fashion line or label. Every team also works under the close supervision of, Donatella Versace, sister to Gianni Versace, to ensure that the fashions carry the essence of Versace.
Read more...FashionXonline/Sunglasses
Get Wholesale Sunglasses Herehttp://Www.FashionXonline.Co.Nz
Article Source:
By Anton Kal
A name that says luxury and a brand that provides. Versace sunglasses are a part of the Versace Collection and other lines of the Versace Company geared towards a younger age group. An Italian company founded in Milan in 1978, Versace has since expanded into two segments of the market, one high end and the second geared towards the youth market and it includes the Versace Collection, Versace Sport, Versace Jeans Couture and Versus Brands. There are 81 free standing boutiques with these lines around the world and 123 name brand corners in department stores around the world.
Eyeglasses by Versace are mini statements of Gianni Versace's artistic style. Cutting edge, luxurious with bold Mediterranean influences. Many of Versace's designs have been risqué with barely there dresses and see through tops being paraded around on the red carpet by Hollywood elite.
Versace favors sunglasses with a lighter lens, often making use of color gradation to create a lens with darker shade towards the top and lighter shading at the bottom of the lens. This is ideal for conditions when the sun is directly overhead, but also makes a unique marker for the Versace brand.
Most Versace sunglasses come with oversized lenses too. Those that feature a standard lens size curve to fit the face or are set at a jaunty inverted angle. Their half size lenses come attached to bold boxy shaped frames that set one in mind of a high paid movie director on his set or the Italian business man schmoozing in Milan.
Colors in Versace sunglasses are darker or neutral, no bright shades here. Frames are popular in blacks, browns, grays and tans. The statement making model Versace 4103 comes in a range of frame colors all in those shades. One is a daring transparent purple for the adventurous woman with light purple to blue lenses. Purple is still a dark color as is fitting with Versace's style.
Color aside every frame from this sunglasses and fashion designer comes with a Versace symbol on the side of the temples. This consists of usually, the imprint of a Greek key, medusa or either the vertical gold or silver strip or an embossed horizontal name, Versace.
Sunglasses from Versace range in price from $150 to as much as $350 and maybe more depending on where you do you're shopping. You may find Versace in a New York Boutique or in the name brand corner of a major department store.
Though Gianni Versace, died 1997, is no longer around his family is dedicated to running and keeping the ideal alive. The company is currently one hundred percent family owned, with all major shares being split between three members of the family.
Designs are still created for each new season by a series of teams of designers and stylists who are dedicated to a specific fashion line or label. Every team also works under the close supervision of, Donatella Versace, sister to Gianni Versace, to ensure that the fashions carry the essence of Versace.
Read more...FashionXonline/Sunglasses
Get Wholesale Sunglasses Herehttp://Www.FashionXonline.Co.Nz
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Monday, April 12, 2010
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